Mike Key

☦️ Faith & Family
🏡 Another Real Estate Dude | SubTo ✌️
🏘 CEO @hometowninvestors & @offroadtreks
🧔🏼‍♂️ Lover of books, whiskey, meat and the outdoors

  • Two Weeks of Easy Meal Prep

    / 3 minute read

    In my last post about turning 35, I touched a little bit about my weight. And the fact that I’ve just been eating like shit for awhile. Part of my plan for getting myself straightened out is fixing my eating...

  • On Turning 35...

    / 3 minute read

    Recently I celebrated my 35th year of not dying. Congratulations self. As I’ve gotten older, I find myself spending more time on introspective thought. Contemplating where I’m going. The mistakes I’ve made, and opportunities both taken and missed. I wonder...

  • A 21 Day Social Detox

    / 2 minute read

    Social media has become a big part in how we connect with others. For me, it’s played a pivotal role in my life as my wife, and I traveled the country as Bold&Adventurous. We’ve made new friends, and explored so...

  • 38 Days Remote - 8 Days Left in Florida

    / 1 minute read

    I have been working remote now for 38 week days. The experience has been extremely rewarding. It’s also enabled me to change my families life in a big way. We’re moving from Florida in 8 days! Yes! We have been...

  • Big Waves of Change

    / 2 minute read

    In 64 days my family is hitting the road, and moving from Florida. And in 32 days our second daughter will enter the world. Where are we moving to? Enter: BoldandAdventurous.com - I’ve always had a passion for the outdoors...

  • The Flinch

    / 3 minute read

    Being able to tackle a task without self doubt, or backing down is something I think everyone wants to be able to do. And that’s the core idea behind Julien Smith’s book “The Flinch”. What is the Flinch? Julien Smith...

  • 10 Day Fast - Into the next 95 Days

    / 2 minute read

    Fasting for me has been something I’ve done for years. In my early twenties I often did it without reason. Later I got into multi-day and intermittent fasting for both spiritual and fitness reasons. I’m a big proponent of n=1...

  • The Next 100 Days, A Personal Challenge

    / 2 minute read

    100 days from now I’ll be starting a new chapter in my life, fulfilling a lifelong dream. But before that happens, there are a few things I’d like to straighten out about myself. A matter of fact, these mini-habits are...

  • Desire Follows Direction

    / 1 minute read

    Sometimes we get ourselves into a rut, where we just lack the motivation to get things done. We’ve got goals, but no real passion or drive to pursue them. As a consequence of lack of motivation we find it difficult...

  • Goodbye Blog Comments

    / 1 minute read

    Recently I switch from WordPress to Jekyll. During that time this site has been without comments. My intent moving forward was to move some of those conversations Disqus. After not much thought, I’ve decided against it completely. I plan on...